Course #4, with GPS track: Really exciting terrain around control 8, welcome to the swamps! Complete results here.


Thanks to all the helpers:
Francis Falardeau designed the courses, put out the flags, and printed the maps and control descriptions, as well as keeping an eye on things around the Finish.
Gloria, with help from Bruce Glen and Sylvie Perrault, handled Registrations.
Michael Bole worked solo on the Starts until just after Noon (too bad we didn`t have one more helper to provide some relief !). He then did his 3rd place run on the #4 course.
As well as having the best run of the day, Dmitri Golovanov later spent hours record-ing `Finishers`, and along with Francis, tabulated some of the results.
Thomas Davignon helped Elaine take down the kiddies String course and Eric Christensen translated all these words for our French edition. THANK YOU, ALL !