

1. Thomas Kneubühler (600 pts)     1:27:39
2. Lukas Wildi (600pts)                    1:42:40
3. Stéphane Rousseau  (600pts)       1:42:50
4. Tapio Haarlaa(600pts)                   1:44:44
5. Jeremey Barnes(600pts)                1:56:00
6. Pierre Mauger(600pts)                   1:56:05
7. Francis Falardeau (590pts)            1:22:34
8. Mike Quiron, 580 pts
9. Eric Lillie, 570 pts
10. Michael Bole, 560 pts

1. Johanna Ragvald, 580 pts
2. Sarah Wilson, 440 pts
3. Aurore Varela, 430 pts
4. Jessica Auer, 410 pts
5. Martine Sanfaçon, 400 pts
6. Karine Ferland-Hébert, 390 pts
7. Isabelle Pouliot, 380 pts

Mixed Team:
1. Maëlle & Maxime Chauvier, 530 pts

For complete results see here!

+ le rapport détaillé (en français)
+ the detailed report (in english)

++  the photo gallery:
